How to get to the Castle of Weesenstein

Due to the fact, that the Castle of Weesenstein is pretty close to the City of Dresden as well as close to the Saxon Switzerland it is a perfect target for an one day getaway from the busy city or from the rocks of the sandstone area.

From Dresden Weesenstein can be reached by train as well as by private cars. Either way it will not take you more than one hour to get there.

Please bear in mind even that the car gives you more flexibility the train is most appropriate in case you want to test the very drinkable beer “Weesensteiner Schlossbraeu” to a certain extend...

Die GPS-Coordinates are:       N 50,93249          E 13,85938
  ...or in different manner:       N 50 55’ 57,0”      E 13 51’ 33,8”

Please choose a Roadmap oder Rail Road Timetable here!